Beware of the spines on this fish; they can inject a painful wound if given the chance. Often referred to as a sculpin, it prefers to live tucked away in crevices on the reef, but in certain locales is found sitting on sandy bottoms. It grows to 17 inches but averages about 10 to 12 inches. The scorpion fish can be found anywhere from the tide pools to waters over 600 feet in depth and is common from Southern California to the tip of Baja California. It uses its ability to adjust its coloration to camouflage itself among surrounding rocks or algae, waiting for small fish to swim by. When they inevitably do, it engulfs them with its large mouth. If stung, immerse the wound (if possible) in hot water. This will counteract the venom. Then you should monitor the victim for signs of allergic reaction. Photo courtesy of Tom Haight.
Scorpion Fish